This hand was played in Mobile at the Bridge Center. My partner and I were NS on board 3 with EW vulnerable. The opponents are competent players. Pard opens 2D and RHO holds S T3 H AJ98543 D 86 C 64. What do you bid? There are lots of points in your partners and the opponents hands. I personally require a better hand than this to overcall at the two level. I think as a minimum a 2H bid should show a sound weak two bid and a good six card suit. Here the suit quality is covered but the strength is low. I would just pass, expecting to bid later. Anyhow RHO bids 2H! I am faced with a decision holding QT76 T4 KT763 Q5. Pard has bid 2D, RHO overcalled 2H and I bid 5D. I think this places maximum pressure on LHO who I expect to have a terrific hand. He now bids 6H and RHO blanches. We all pass and I lead my fourth best diamond. The whole hand is this: Board 3 EW vul, N dealer: bidding is 2D 2H 5D 6H all pass.
Declarer ruffs the opening lead of the 4 of diamonds. He cashes the HK, plays S AK and leads a low spade from dummy. Pard ruffs with the HQ and declarer overruffs. He then draws the outstanding trump and claims 7 by establishing the 5th spade for his diamond loser. Pards uppercut is essential if I hold the HJ instead of the HT.
I dont know how the bidding will go if RHO passes instead of overcalling 2H. I will bid 5D anyway and LHO will double. RHO may then bid 5H and LHO will raise to 6H for the same result. Most pairs reached 6H making.
More fun hands to follow as I continue to review the ACBL convention card, We'll continue to discuss responses to NT openings and what to do over interference.
In the meanwhile, Happy Bridging and thanks for reading. SPADEWOOD.
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Well, Larry, I can't say I am very wild about your pards 2d bid non-vul against vul opponents. With only 4 major suit cards and the heart Q waiting to get eaten, about all the 2 diamomd bid is going to do is to give away the location of the diamond honors and the distribution of the hand.It may not be "book", but I am bidding 3 diamonds and hope I can take up a little room at the table. But it is what it is.
Like you, I am not crazy about the 2 heart call either.It lacks suit quality and defensive tricks, and the only thing you can say about it is that it
doesn't take up any bidding space.
Non-vul your bid looks just rihgt, 5 diamonds has to be "right on" with the LOTT and it looks like it will only go for -500.
Ironically, the 2 heart call that i did not like really helps West. Sometimes it is hard to find justice at these levels. I am surpirsed he didn't bid 7, but at matchpoints it is not necessary. If the 2h overcall is not made, he is going to double 5d and partner should bid 6 hearts.
An intersting hand with lots of food for thought.It's a lot easier when you don't have to do it under the gun. :-)
Here is what Eddie Kantar says about overcalling a weak 2 bid:
Assume the opening bid is 2H.
East South (you)
2H 2S/3C/3D
Strongish 5 card suit, usually a 6 bagger at the two level, 6 card suit presumed at the three level with opening bid values."
On any standard other than results, I prefer pass for East. If West can't reopen the auction over 2 diamonds where are we going? If the hand were West, I think it is perfectly OK to re-oopen with that holding since you can borrrow about 3 of your partner's points.
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