Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another WTB with good lessons

Another fun hand. I was doubled after opening 2S and MADE IT. Yeoww! With RHO opening 2S you hold S-A2 H-KT42 D-KQ5 C-A543. You have plenty of juice to double with 16 hcp and 4 hearts and support in both minors. LHO passes and your pard holds QJ43 Q83 7654 J4.
He is in a pickle! The alternatives are pass, 2NT, and 3D(as a sign off). 2NT as a natural bid may lead to more troubles. 3D shows a much better hand and is a poor alternate. Actually 3H has some merit but I wouldn't seriously consider it. Todays modern bridge players often play Lebensohl in this situation. 2NT becomes a transfer to 3C which can be passed or to next bid 3D as a signoff. Not a bad alternative, to transfer then sign off in 3D. At least you wont get in more trouble. All these alternates have one major defect. The board is likely lost. Anything you do will likely be bad. The bid I like is the pass. With vulnerability right, opp Vul vs you NV you have a good play for a top. Now the fun begins. You have to take 6 tricks before declarer takes 8 tricks. As the doubler, what do you lead. You have 4 likely tricks. Pard probably has 2 so it should be down 1. I'd lead the DK. Thats not the killing lead but it is the RIGHT lead. For fun find the killing lead. The full hands are as follows:


The opening lead is the DK. What do you think of your chances of making this? RHO has to have a trump stack. If he has 5 trump you will be down. losing 3 trumps, 2 hearts and a club. With the more likely 4-2 break you can end play him if you reduce your trump length to the same as his. With that in mind I take the DK with the A and lead back the J of diamonds, discarding a heart. LHO wins the diamond and returns a low heart. RHO plays the Q and I take the A. I lead a low club and LHO plays the A.(If he ducks, I pitch a heart on the good diamond.) He cashes the HK and leads a heart. I pitch a club, then lead the S9 and run it. LHO wins the A and leads a diamond. I ruff it, lead a club to the K. We are at the 9th trick. I have 5 tricks, they have 4 tricks. I lead a diamond and trump it. I then lead the ST, won by RHO SJ and he concedes the last two tricks, for making two. An earlier switch to clubs would have ruined the timing for the end play.

Did you find the killing defense? Try leading CA and another on opening lead. Then lead a third round for a ruff when in with the SA. Easy game this bridge.

More blogs to come as I get the mood. Thanks for reading. Happy Bridging. SPADEWOOD.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This hand was played in Mobile at the Bridge Center. My partner and I were NS on board 3 with EW vulnerable. The opponents are competent players. Pard opens 2D and RHO holds S T3 H AJ98543 D 86 C 64. What do you bid? There are lots of points in your partners and the opponents hands. I personally require a better hand than this to overcall at the two level. I think as a minimum a 2H bid should show a sound weak two bid and a good six card suit. Here the suit quality is covered but the strength is low. I would just pass, expecting to bid later. Anyhow RHO bids 2H! I am faced with a decision holding QT76 T4 KT763 Q5. Pard has bid 2D, RHO overcalled 2H and I bid 5D. I think this places maximum pressure on LHO who I expect to have a terrific hand. He now bids 6H and RHO blanches. We all pass and I lead my fourth best diamond. The whole hand is this: Board 3 EW vul, N dealer: bidding is 2D 2H 5D 6H all pass.


Declarer ruffs the opening lead of the 4 of diamonds. He cashes the HK, plays S AK and leads a low spade from dummy. Pard ruffs with the HQ and declarer overruffs. He then draws the outstanding trump and claims 7 by establishing the 5th spade for his diamond loser. Pards uppercut is essential if I hold the HJ instead of the HT.

I dont know how the bidding will go if RHO passes instead of overcalling 2H. I will bid 5D anyway and LHO will double. RHO may then bid 5H and LHO will raise to 6H for the same result. Most pairs reached 6H making.

More fun hands to follow as I continue to review the ACBL convention card, We'll continue to discuss responses to NT openings and what to do over interference.

In the meanwhile, Happy Bridging and thanks for reading. SPADEWOOD.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Avoiding an impossible 3NT

Playing today in the local duplicate with a new partner. We had not played together before. I suggested "Yellow Card" and she was not familar with that. I said Standard American then with 15-17 no trumps, WTB and strong jump responses. I hate WJR, they usually lead to problems for the bidding side and eliminate a valuable tool for slam bidding. Anyway, our opponents were strong players and with us vulnerable held the following. S Q87 H AK3 D T4 C AKJT2. I routinely open this 1NT. If I open 1C and pard responds ANYTHING at the one level I have no adequate rebid. My NT bid is made despite the weak doubleton. LHO passes and pard bids 2C Stayman. RHO sticks in a 2D overcall and I have to find a bid. With no 4 card major I pass. LHO passes and pard bids 3NT. All pass and pard tables AKJ4 QJ75 62 943. The opponents quickly cash 6 tricks for down two. With no interference 3NT would be the normal rebid but with the OVERCALL lead director it just doesn't seem right. I think pards right bid is 3D asking about the diamond stopper. With a diamond stop 3NT would be OK. With none you must check on the stopper situation. I now will bid 3H denying a stopper and having previously denied 4 hearts I am looking for a 4-3 fit. This time it works out. The 3 card suit stops the run of diamonds and 10 tricks are there with 4S, 4H and 2C tricks. Makes five if they lead diamonds and force the ruff. This should be a top board. Few will find the 4-3 fit and missing nine diamonds assures 5 diamond tricks on defense unless the suit blocks.

This subject requires more discussion. I dont think there is a "standard" bid in this situation. After pard bids 2C I will not sell out at the two level without doubling. I suggest a double of 2D with a stopper, denying a 4 card major. A pass would deny a stopper and bidding ensues as before. A bid of 2H or 2S would neither admit or deny a stopper. After this, only bid NT if you hold a stopper yourself. Don't rely on pard to have one. BTW I dont advocate bidding 2C with garbage. It should represent an optimistic invitational bid at minimum.

If 2C is doubled for lead direction a similar situation occurs. In this case, PASS with a CLUB STOPPER. This neither shows nor denies a 4 card major. Pard then reopens with a redouble and the auction proceeds as if there was no double or redouble except you now know about the stopper. BTW this applies if a transfer bid is doubled for lead. Pass shows a stopper, pard redoubles to reopen the bidding.

More later on handling interference after opening 1NT. I'd love to see your comments. If they are civil I will include them on the blog. The only response so far is from my friend Dr. Wilson Miller. He said to tell everyone it's not hard to enter a comment. Simply click on comments, leave the message and email address, then answer the "letters" question to discourage spammers.It's OK to sign in as anonymous and the email address wont be available to me.

Thanks for reading. Happy Bridging. SPADEWOOD

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bidding after opening No Trump

We need to look at how to handle auctions that start with No Trump. I am often asked if I open 1 NT holding a 5 card major. It's not an easy question. With 18 hcp I open a 5 card major and treat the hand as if it is 19 hcp. With 15 hcp I tend to open the major suit and REBID a side 4 card suit or 1NT or PASS if pard responds 1NT. NOTE THIS: IF I OPEN 1H AND REBID 1NT OVER 1S AND PARD BIDS 2 OF A MINOR IT IS A SIGNOFF AND MUST BE PASSED. He has a hand with 6-10 hcp, only 4 spades, no heart support and probably 6 clubs. With 16-17 hcp I freely open 1NT with a five card major and a balanced hand. My rule is to open 1NT with 15-18 hcp hands and no more than 1 defect. A defect is: 1. a five card major,
2. a weak doubleton,
3. a side 4 card suit.
4. a minimum 15 hcp hand,
5. a maximum 18 point hand, or
6. an aceless hand.

Responding to a 1NT opening we usually try to find an 8 card major suit fit. We do this by using Stayman 2C and Jacoby Transfers. 2C response asks for a 4 card major suit, responder rebids 2D without a 4 card major or bids the 4 card major, up the line if you have both. A 2 level rebid by responder shows an invitational hand. A major suit rebid shows a 5 card suit. A 2NT rebid shows 8-9 hcp A jump to 3 of a major after 2D shows 10+ hcp and a 5 card suit. 3 of a minor rebid is forcing to 3NT or 4 of a minor. It shows 10+ hcp and an unbalanced hand.

Jacoby Transfers show a 5 card suit or more. 2D transfers to 2H, 2H transfers to 2S. A transfer followed by 2NT is invitational with 8-9 hcp. Opener bids 3NT or 4 of the major with 17-18 hcp and passes or bids 3 of the major with 15-16. A transfer followed by 3 of a minor shows 5-5 and 10+ hcp. Transfer to 2H and rebid 2S with 5-5 invitational. Transfer to 2S and rebid 3H as forcing with 10+ hcp.

Next post will discuss more NT sequences. Please feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading. Happy Bridging, SPADEWOOD